Workers Comp, The Destruction Of Ca-OSHA/EPA And The Case Of Biotech Worker David Bell

On May 13, 2008 “Labor On The Job” focuses on the case of Agraquest biotech worker David Bell. Bell who worked at the Davis, CA biotech laboratory owned by former Monsanto scientist Pam Marrone was infected with fungus and bacteria while working. He and his family have faced a terrifying battle for healthcare and justice from injuries on the job. Despite the fact that his mother found material in his body that was patented by scientists at the laboratory he has been prevented from getting full healthcare to save his life. The corruption and breakdown of the workers compensation system is connected to the deregulation of workers compensation and the elimination of all medical doctors at Ca-OSHA.

Joining the show is his mother Sandi Trend, the last Ca-OSHA doctor Larry Rose and author of “Death On The Job” Daniel Berman.

“Labor On The Job” is programmed the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month on San Francisco Cable Channel 29 from 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM. “Labor On The Job” is also the longest running labor cable show in the United States since 1983. It is produced and programmed by the Labor Video Project in San Francisco. Labor On The Job also programmed on Philadelphia Drexel TV 54 every Wednesday 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM and St. Louis cable systems on on cable ch. 22 in the “City” of St. Louis Fridays at 9:00 PM The Labor Video Project also produces labor documentaries and is part of the Union Producers and Programmers Network (UPPNET)
Labor Video Project
P.O.Box 720027 San Francisco,CA 94172
Phone             (415)282-1908




